The game had Colonial forces consisting of 2 units of French Marines, 2 Units of Italian Bersaglieri, 1 unit of American marines with a Colt machine gun, 1 unit of Russian sailors and a unit of Russian Cavalry.
The Chinese had 2 units of Chinese Imperial infantry, 2 units of Kansu Braves, 1 unit of Tiger men, 1 Unit of Cavalry, 2 Artillery pieces, 2 Jingal crews and 3 units of peasant mobs.
The goal of the Chinese forces was to destroy the rail line running to a major port being used to shuttle supplies and forces into China.
The Chinese and Allied players rolled for initiative and the Chinese activated while the Allies stalled. Seizing the initiative the Chinese began to quick move towards the rail line and get a jump on the Allies.

The Allies begin to move into position and the Chinese commanders ponder their next move. Initiative is very different as you may not be able to activate all of your units. If you roll poorly you may not be able to move any of your units. units with higher reputations have a better chance of activating.

A unit of Tiger men reach the rail spur but a unit of US marines and Russian cavalry try to halt them on the Allied left flank. The Tiger men are a ferocious unit and are very difficult to beat in hand to hand combat.

The Italians (shown below) on the right flank deploy in open order as Kansu braves decide to meet them shot for shot before closing in.

The Italians are holding their own but a unit of cavalry are trying to flank them. Flank attacks can cause an entire unit to run away if the reaction roll result is too low.

The Italians begin to run low on ammunition, and lose a D6 in their fire combat dice roll. The pack mule with the ammunition has not made it to the from line yet. It takes and action to resupply. Each fire combat may continue result in multiple low ammunition. The more low ammo results the more fire dice you lose so supply is very important.

Mean while the French marines (below) are holding the center line as 2 units of screaming Chinese rush toward them. Their fire proves ineffective as the mobs move towards them for close fighting. Volley fire can cause units to break more easily.

The French marines begin to be pushed back as the hordes of peasants hit them. The Chinese believe they are impervious to the rifle fire and close for the kill. The French decide not to withdraw and hold the line.

Meanwhile on the Allied left the US Marines are locked in combat for survival as the Tiger men try to rid their country of the foreign devils. The Tiger men closed and gave the Marines a very close call; they were in need of help.
The Americans are fighting for survival and may be overrun. Soon the hear the Russian infantry advance behind them. The Russians have a Rep. 4 and their approach has been slower then the Marines (Rep. 5). They are also escorting an ammunition train as the pack mule represents a chance to resupply.

A close up of Old Glory as the Americans get a chance to reform. Imperial rifles are in the distance with the yellow flag.

The center is being held by the French but just barely. A lot of French have fallen in the defense of the rail line.

Eventually a unit of Chinese did make it to the rail line anf did destroy a section of track. Delays in supplies and reinforcements caused the Allied Powers to pause in their pursuit of the Boxer menace.
The players enjoyed the pace and some of the mechanics of the game. These rules challenge you abilities as they do not follow the same mechanics of more traditional rules sets, like the Sword and the Flame. Units react to opposing forces moving within 12 inches of their position or if they are charged. After the first couple turns we were all comfortable with the mechanics of the system. We did make some mistakes, especially involving melee, and movement of troops. The more you play the rules the easier the system becomes.